Heating elements
How to get the best performance by combining separate elements as thermostat and electric heating elements? Better reliability, better safety and better efficiency.

Focus benefits
Each parameter of the heating element plays an essential role in the performance of the efficiency and must be determined with method. Determining the size, shape, power, gaps between components or the temperature measurement position according to the chosen technology, is essential for a coherent, efficient and economically viable system. The cooperation with Cotherm, a center of expertise, using all its laboratories is a guarantee of serenity for the introduction of a reliable and controlled solution on the market.

Focus technology
Cotherm heating element offer cover a wide range of technologies adapted to the targetted application : Copper and stainless steel materials for immersion heaters and Stainless steel and ceramic for drytech solution. With millions units manufactured every years , solutions designed fitting market application give a quality and performances that are market proven. Material, shape, absolute power and density, thermosat sensing distance and technology end températures, are few parameters that can be defined in our laboratories in cooperation with your R&D team.